Ester 10:3
Thi Jøden Mordokaj havde den højeste Værdighed efter Kong Ahasverus, og han stod i høj Anseelse hos Jøderne og var elsket af sine mange Landsmænd, fordi han virkede for sit Folks vel og talte til Bedste for al sin Slægt.
Bibel Viden Treasury

next unto king.

1.Mosebog 41:44
Og Farao sagde til Josef: »Jeg er Farao, men uden dit Minde skal ingen røre Haand eller Fod nogensteds i Ægypten!«

1.Samuel 23:17
idet han sagde til ham: »Frygt ikke! Min Fader Sauls Arm skal ikke naa dig. Du bliver Konge over Israel og jeg den næste efter dig; det ved min Fader Saul ogsaa!«

2.Krønikebog 28:7
Den efraimitiske Helt Zikri dræbte Kongesønnen Ma'aseja, Paladsøversten Azrikam og Elkana, den ypperste næst Kongen.

Daniel 5:16,29
Men jeg har hørt om dig, at du kan tyde Drømme og løse Knuder. Nu vel! Hvis du kan læse Skriften og tyde mig den, skal du klædes i Purpur, Guldkæden skal hænges om din Hals, og du skal være den tredje mægtigste i Riget.«…


Ester 3:2
Og alle Kongens Tjenere, som var i Kongens Port, faldt paa Knæ og kastede sig til Jorden for Haman, thi den Ære havde Kongen paabudt at vise ham. Men Mordokaj faldt ikke paa Knæ og kastede sig ikke til Jorden.

Romerne 14:18
Thi den, som deri tjener Kristus, er velbehagelig for Gud og tækkelig for Menneskene.


Nehemias 2:10
Men da Horoniten Sanballat og den ammonitiske Træl Tobija hørte det, ærgrede de sig højligen over, at der var kommet en Mand for at arbejde paa Israeliternes Bedste.

Salmerne 122:6-9
Bed om Jerusalems Fred! Ro finde de, der elsker dig!…

Romerne 9:2,3
at jeg har en stor Sorg og en uafladelig Kummer i mit Hjerte.…

Romerne 10:1
Brødre! mit Hjertes Ønske og Bøn til Gud for dem er om deres Frelse.


Ester 10:1
Kong Ahasverus lagde Skat paa Fastlandet og Kystlandene.

xi. c.6,) the Septuagint version, and the apocryphal additions to this book. The history, therefore, comes in between the sixth and seventh chapters of Ezra, commencing about A.M.

3540, and continuing through a period of twelve years: it relates the royal feast of Ahasuerus; the disgrace of Vashti, (ch. i.;) the elevation of Esther to the Persian throne; the essential service rendered to the king by Mordecai, in detecting a plot against his life, (ch. ii.;) the promotion of Haman, and his purposed destruction of the Jews, (ch. iii.;) the consequent affliction of the Jews, and the measures pursued by them, (ch. iv.;) the defeat of Haman's plot, through the instrumentality of Esther, against Mordecai, (ch. v.-vii.;) and also the defeat of his general plot against the Jews, (ch. viii.; ix.

1-15;) the institution of the feast of Purim to commemorate this deliverance, (ch. ix.

16-32;) and the advancement of Mordecai, (ch. x.;) and though some Christians have hesitated to receive this book into the sacred canon, yet it has always been received by the Jews, not only as perfectly authentic, but also as one of the most excellent of their sacred books. That it is a genuine and faithful description of a real fact, the observation of the feast of Purim, to the present day, is a sufficient evidence; since it is impossible, and in fact inconceivable, that a nation should institute, and afterwards continue to celebrate without interruption, through every generation of that people, in a long succession of ages, in whatever places they may have sojourned, this solemn annual festival, merely because one of their nation had written an agreeable fable or romance. It has been remarked, as an objection to this book, that the name of God no where occurs in it: His superintending providence, however, is frequently illustrated. It is shewn, indeed, in every part of the work; disconcerting evil designs, and producing great events, by means seemingly inadequate. It also presents an interesting description of mortified pride, and of malice baffled to the destruction of its possessors; and exhibits a very lively representation of the vexations and troubles, the anxieties, treachery, and dissimulation of a corrupt court.

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Det Nye Testamente 1907. Det Gamle Testamente 1931. Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen,
Ester 10:2
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