Markus 15:39
Men da Høvedsmanden, som stod hos, lige over for ham, saa, af han udaandede paa denne Vis, sagde han: »Sandelig, dette Menneske var Guds Søn.«
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the centurion.

100 men. In order to have a proper notion of his office, it may be desirable to explain the construction and array of the Roman legion. Each legion was divided into ten cohorts, each cohort into three maniples, and each maniple into two centuries; so that there were thirty maniples, and sixty centuries in a legion, which, if the century had always, as the word imports, consisted of

100 soldiers, would have formed a combined phalanx of

6,000 men. The number in a legion, however, varied at different periods; in the time of Polybius it was

4,200. The order of battle was that of three lines; the hastati, or spearmen, occupied the front; the principes, the second line; the triarii, (also called pilani, from their weapon, the pilam,) the third. The centurions were appointed by the tribunes, and generally selected from the common soldiers according to their merit; although the office was sometimes obtained for money, or through the favour of the consuls. Their badge was a vine rod, or sapling.

Markus 15:44
Men Pilatus forundrede sig over, at han allerede skulde være død,

Matthæus 8:5-10
Men da han gik ind i Kapernaum, traadte en Høvedsmand hen til ham, bad ham og sagde:…

Apostlenes G. 10:1
Men en Mand i Kæsarea ved Navn Kornelius, en Høvedsmand ved den Afdeling, som kaldes den italienske,

Apostlenes G. 27:1-3,43
Men da det var besluttet, at vi skulde afsejle til Italien, overgave de baade Paulus og nogle andre Fanger til en Høvedsmand ved Navn Julius af den kejserlige Afdeling.…

he said.

Matthæus 27:43,54
Han har sat sin Lid til Gud; han fri ham nu, om han har Behag i ham; thi han har sagt: Jeg er Guds Søn.«…

Lukas 23:47,48
Men da Høvedsmanden saa det, som skete, gav han Gud Æren og sagde: »I Sandhed, dette Menneske var retfærdigt.«…

Markus 15:39 InterlinearMarkus 15:39 FlersprogedeMarcos 15:39 SpanskMarc 15:39 FranskeMarkus 15:39 TyskMarkus 15:39 KinesiskMark 15:39 EngelskBible AppsBible Hub

Det Nye Testamente 1907. Det Gamle Testamente 1931. Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen,
Markus 15:38
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