1.Mosebog 30:14
Men da Ruben engang i Hvedehøstens Tid gik paa Marken, fandt han nogle Kærlighedsæbler og bragte dem til sin Moder Lea. Da sagde Rakel til Lea: »Giv mig nogle af din Søns Kærlighedsæbler!«
Bibel Viden Treasury


2256. B.C.

1748. mandrakes. The mandrake may be the Hebrew dudaim: it is so rendered by all the ancient versions, and is a species of melon, of an agreeable odour. Hasselquist, speaking of Nazareth in Galilee, says, 'What I found most remarkable at this village was the great number of mandrakes which grew in a vale below it. I had not the pleasure of seeing this plant in blossom, the fruit now (May

5th, O. S.) hanging ripe on the stem, which lay withered on the ground. From the season in which this mandrake blossoms and ripens fruit, one might form a conjecture that it was Rachel's dudaim. These were brought her in the wheat harvest, which in Galilee is in the month of May, about this time, and the mandrake was now in fruit.' The Abbee Mariti describes it as growing 'low like a lettuce, to which its leaves have a great resemblance, except that they have a dark green colour. The flowers are purple, and the root is for the most part forked. The fruit, when ripe in the beginning of May, is of the size and colour of a small apple, exceedingly ruddy, and of a most agreeable odour. Our guide thought us fools for suspecting it to be unwholesome.'

Højsangen 7:13
Kærlighedsæblerne dufter, for vor Dør er al Slags Frugt, ny og gammel tillige; til dig, min Ven, har jeg gemt dem.

Give me.

1.Mosebog 25:30
Da sagde Esau til Jakob: »Lad mig faa noget af det røde, det røde der, thi jeg er ved at dø af Sult!« Derfor kaldte de ham Edom.

1.Mosebog 30:14 Interlinear1.Mosebog 30:14 FlersprogedeGénesis 30:14 SpanskGenèse 30:14 Franske1 Mose 30:14 Tysk1.Mosebog 30:14 KinesiskGenesis 30:14 EngelskBible AppsBible Hub

Det Nye Testamente 1907. Det Gamle Testamente 1931. Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen, ParadigmsMasterPro.com.
1.Mosebog 30:13
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