Saa tog han et Spand Okser og sønderhuggede dem, sendte Folk ud med Stykkerne i hele Israels Land og lod sige: »Hvis nogen ikke følger Saul og Samuel, skal der handles saaledes med hans Okser!« Da faldt en HERRENS Rædsel over Folket, saa de alle som een drog ud. Bibel Viden Treasury 19:29, (see note). An eminent Scotch writer describes the rites, incantations, and imprecations used prior to the fiery cross being circulated, to summon the rough warriors of ancient times to the service of their chief; and he allude to this ancient custom, which in comparatively modern times, has been practised in Scotland; and proves that a similar punishment of death, or destruction of their houses, for disobeying the summons, was inflicted by the ancient Scandinavians, as recorded by Olaus Magnus, in his History of the Goths. This bears a striking resemblance to the ancient custom of the Israelites. With the Highlanders, a goat was slain; with the Israelites, an ox. The exhibition of a cross, stained with the blood of the sacrificed animal, was the summons of the former, while part of the animal, was the mandate of the latter. Disobedience in one nation was punished with the death of themselves or oxen, and burning of their dwellings in the other. hewed Dommer 19:29 Whosoever Dommer 21:5-11 the fear 1.Mosebog 35:5 2.Krønikebog 14:14 2.Krønikebog 17:10 with one consent [heb] as one man Dommer 20:1 Links 1.Samuel 11:7 Interlinear • 1.Samuel 11:7 Flersprogede • 1 Samuel 11:7 Spansk • 1 Samuel 11:7 Franske • 1 Samuel 11:7 Tysk • 1.Samuel 11:7 Kinesisk • 1 Samuel 11:7 Engelsk • Bible Apps • Bible HubDet Nye Testamente 1907. Det Gamle Testamente 1931. Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen, |