Og se, to af dem vandrede paa den samme Dag til en Landsby, som laa tresindstyve Stadier fra Jerusalem, dens Navn var Emmaus. Bibel Viden Treasury two. Lukas 24:18 Markus 16:12,13 Emmaus. 10 miles from Lydda, and 22 miles from Jerusalem. D'Arvieux states, that going from Jerusalem to Rama, he took the right from the high road to Rama, at some little distance from Jerusalem, and 'travelled a good league over rocks and flint stones, to the end of the valley of terebinthine trees,' until he reached Emmaus; which 'seems, by the ruins which surround it, to have been formerly larger that it was in our Saviour's time. The Christians, while masters of the Holy Land, re-established it a little, and built several churches. Emmaus was not worth the trouble of having come out of the way to see it.' Links Lukas 24:13 Interlinear • Lukas 24:13 Flersprogede • Lucas 24:13 Spansk • Luc 24:13 Franske • Lukas 24:13 Tysk • Lukas 24:13 Kinesisk • Luke 24:13 Engelsk • Bible Apps • Bible HubDet Nye Testamente 1907. Det Gamle Testamente 1931. Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen, ParadigmsMasterPro.com. |