Josva 8:26
Og Josua trak ikke sin Haand med det udrakte Spyd tilbage, før han havde lagt Band paa alle Ajs Indbyggere.
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Josva 8:18
Da sagde HERREN til Josua: »Ræk Spydet i din Haand ud mod Aj; thi jeg giver det i din Haand!« Og Josua rakte Spydet i sin Haand ud mod Byen.

) and continued in this employment, by holding up or extending his spear, during the whole of the battle; and did not slacken from the pursuit till the forces of Ai were utterly discomfited. Some commentators, however, understand this action in a figurative sense, like the holding up of Moses' hands, as if it implied that Joshua continued in prayer for the success of his troops, nor ceased till the armies of Ai were annihilated, and the city taken and destroyed.

drew not

Josva 8:18
Da sagde HERREN til Josua: »Ræk Spydet i din Haand ud mod Aj; thi jeg giver det i din Haand!« Og Josua rakte Spydet i sin Haand ud mod Byen.

2.Mosebog 17:11,12
Naar nu Moses løftede Hænderne i Vejret, fik Israeliterne Overtaget, men naar han lod Hænderne synke, fik Amalekiterne Overtaget.…

Josva 8:26 InterlinearJosva 8:26 FlersprogedeJosué 8:26 SpanskJosué 8:26 FranskeJosua 8:26 TyskJosva 8:26 KinesiskJoshua 8:26 EngelskBible AppsBible Hub

Det Nye Testamente 1907. Det Gamle Testamente 1931. Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen,
Josva 8:25
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