1.Mosebog 40:3
og lod dem sætte i Forvaring i Livvagtens Øverstes Hus, i samme Fængsel, hvor Josef sad fængslet;
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the place.

1.Mosebog 39:20,23
og Josefs Herre tog ham og kastede ham i Fængsel der, hvor Kongens Fanger sad fængslet. Saaledes kom Josef i Fængsel.…

where Joseph was bound.

1.Mosebog 40:20
Tre Dage efter, da det var Faraos Fødselsdag, gjorde han et Gæstebud for alle sine Tjenere, og da løftede han Overmundskænkens og Overbagerens, Hoveder iblandt sine Tjenere.

,) was the king's prison. All the officers in the employment of the ancient kings of Egypt, according to Diodorus Siculus, were taken from the most illustrious families of the priesthood in the country; no slave or common person being ever permitted to serve in the presence of the king. As these persons were of the most noble families, it is natural to expect they would be put, when accused, into the state prison.

1.Mosebog 40:3 Interlinear1.Mosebog 40:3 FlersprogedeGénesis 40:3 SpanskGenèse 40:3 Franske1 Mose 40:3 Tysk1.Mosebog 40:3 KinesiskGenesis 40:3 EngelskBible AppsBible Hub

Det Nye Testamente 1907. Det Gamle Testamente 1931. Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen, ParadigmsMasterPro.com.
1.Mosebog 40:2
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